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Thursday, 1 February 2018

Who is Tiny?

She's me, and I'm her. 

Tiny is the nickname I go by at The Writers' Block. I first joined that platform hoping to blog about my food journey and recipes. I lived in a tiny, little house with a tiny, little kitchen. The nickname Tinypaleokitchen was easily chosen. 

When I first joined the Fiction Workshop, which would later turn into The Writers' Block, I went by that name, but I was quickly shortened to Tiny.

Despite the fact that I'm not that tiny at all, the name rather grew on me and soeven though I now rarely write about foodI'm stuck with the name Tinypaleokitchen. 

Might as well own it, right? I ended up using it in the title of my non-fiction series with writing tips: TinyTeaches. The audioversions of my stories, that I have just started to record, are called TinyReads.

A friend of mine and a fellow mod at The Writers' Block, Shane or @swelker101, accidentally renamed me during his radio show when he had to write my name down in a list with some others. While reading off the list, he couldn't read his own handwriting and spoke the immortal words, "Wait... What... Who is Ting?"

I thought it was hilarious, and have every intention of never letting him forget it. That's why, when looking for me in the crowded halls of The Writers' Block, you'll find me as either Ting or Tiny.

See you soon!



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